Case Integration API


This page describes the Scalepoint Unified Case Integration API. This API can be used to integrate case information in Scalepoint CORE, HUB and ClaimShop


The process of case integration can be divided into two steps:

  • Authentication
  • Case creation

Websequence diagram of case integration


You need an access token in order to send data to the Integration Endpoint. This access token can be obtained from the Authentication Endpoint (scope: case_integration). Please refer to the documentation about details of authentication process.

Case Integration API endpoint

The integration endpoint is in the following format:<country>/<tenant>/<version>/case

The actual format of this will depend on the insurance company, the country in which it operates and the version of the API. Assuming the following:

  • Country: Denmark
  • Tenant: ABC Insurance
  • Other brands: Budget Insurance

The endpoint could look something like this:

For testing purposes, you will be given access to a project server and the hostname-part of the endpoint would change accordingly:


Please discuss with your account manager, which project server you have been assigned in order to determine the actual endpoint.


Create Case Request

Create case request contains of two different parts:

  • Create case request data;
  • Authorization header.

Create case request data presented in JSON format is sent in the request body. This is the example of the simplest create case request data:

   "tenant": "abcinsurance",
   "company": "budgetinsurance",
   "country": "dk",
   "caseType": "buildingClaim",
   "caseNumber": "9871234-01",
   "policy": {
      "number": "4405.09228"

Actual request can contain much more data and will be described later. * Please refer to the JSON Schema

Authorization header has name 'Authorization'. It has value built from access_token in following format:

Bearer access_token

Note the important space character between 'Bearer' and access_token value. Ensure that you send correct 'Content-Type' header. It should be application/json;charset=utf-8

Create Case Response

Create Case Response contains data in JSON format. Response contains following fields:

  • success - true if request completed, false otherwise
  • token - created case token
  • url - absolute link to case in case handling system. When opened in browser, url will redirect either to a claim creation wizard if the case creation wasn't completed before, or will open an existing case view if the case creation was completed before
  • warnings and errors - can hold some additional data about case create request processing

Successful response example

   "success": true,
   "token": "b.06317562-7f4a-4c7e-9ee4-eae06e590c37",
   "url": "",
   "warnings": [{
      "type": "actionRequired",
      "message": "We could not automatically find claim handler to assign. Please open claim wizard to resolve the issue.",
      "isAutoCreationForbidden": false

Error response example

   "success": false,
   "errors": [{
      "type": "invalidFormat",
      "message": "Invalid JSON."

Errors and warnings

Both errors and warnings are arrays of objects with type and message properties. Types are well known and defined below.

The main difference between the two is in severity. If application can continue handling the request with some minor problems, it will report them as warnings. If processing has to stop, errors will be provided.

Type Description Example
unsupportedValue Can be either a warning or an error depending on the severity "serviceLevel" could not be mapped
invalidFormat Payload is broken Request body is malformed or JSON is invalid according to schema
applicationError Should be used with HTTP status code 500 whenever possible Database connection failed
actionRequired Used for warnings when automation failed and user attention is required Claim handler could not be mapped
unauthorizedRequest Used with 401 Unauthorized No valid bearer token or scope is not allowed
invalidTenant Used with 403 Forbidden Tenant doesn't exist in the target system

isAutoCreationForbidden property in warnigs tells us, can a claim be automatically created with this warning present.

Appendix A – Data elements description


JSON Path Description Required
tenant The tenant will be a value given to the company and will normally be the same as the company name.
This isn't used to specify a relationship between a claim and a company, but rather to distinguish one company from another.
company One or more company values will be assigned by Scalepoint to support your company/brands.
For example if company is "ABC insurance" they may be assigned the company key: "abcinsurance" to indicate this company.
If "ABC insurance" also have another brand: "Budget Insurance", this might be assigned the company key: "budget" or "budgetinsurance"
country Since a company may be operating in several countries, using the same brand, we need the country value to distinguish.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For example, to specify Denmark, one would use "dk".

The caseType determines the kind of case you are integrations. Allowed values are: "buildingClaim", " buildingRiskAssessment", "contentClaim", "contentItemization", "motorClaim", "privateMedicalInsuranceClaim" and "insuranceClaim"

"MotorClaim" value is used for Scalepoint legacy motor referral case system, HUB Motor. For the current integrations the motor claims should be integrated with CaseType "InsuranceClaim" and the relevant motor product. The motor product can be specified as subCaseType or "policy.productAlias".

subCaseTypeThe subCaseType. If the caseType is InsuranceClaim, the subCaseType can contain the value of product in format "{tenant}.product.motor". Yes
caseNumber The caseNumber is the identifier for the case. This is what Scalepoint will use to determine if a case that is being integrated, already exists or needs to be created.
The combination of: tenant+company+country+caseType+caseNumber must be unique.If any one of these differ, it will be a new case.
language Standard country-language code comprised of two arguments separated by a dash. The first argument is a valid ISO Language Code. These codes are the lower-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. The second argument to both constructors is a valid ISO Country Code. These codes are the upper-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-3166.For example fr-CA is French Canadian. No
externalReferenceIn order to allow for easier integration with other Scalepoint API's (foe example notifications or payment information), it is possible to specify an external reference for a case.
Such an external reference should be unique to the specified case, but Scalepoint will not try to determine if it is actually unique or use this in any other way.
It is a key that we store, which can then later be used as reference.
ClaimShop only
itemizationCaseReferenceUnique Identifier (externalReference or content itemization identifier assigned by Scalepoint) by which itemization case would be linked together with the content claim as it is created. No
ClaimShop only
allowAutoClose True if claim is allowed to be auto closed, basing on Audit Rule Engine result.
checkForFraud True if check for Fraud should be performed for the current case No
ClaimShop only
relatedCaseNumbers If other cases are related to the case, being integrated, a list of caseNumbers can be specified to indicate the relationship. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
isUrgentThis parameter can be used to indicate if a case is urgent. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX
firstNotificationDate This is used to indicate the first time, when the case was notified (e.g. by a claimant using a self-service registration service).
Date/time format should follow ISO-8601
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
accidentDate This is used to indicate the date (and optionally time) when the accident/loss occurred.
Date/time format should follow ISO-8601
HUB Motor, HUB Property, ClaimShop, ECX
HUB Health (Date of first symptom)
Yes for subrogation
sourceSystem Name of the integration request system of origin. Used for analysis purposes. No
HUB Property optional
sourceOfCreationDescribes how the case was submitted to the Insurance Company. Allowed values are: "Phone", "Written", "Internet", "Email", "EDI", "Forsi", "ExternalFNOL" and "Other". "InternetAutomatic" - this type is dedicated for cases created using Scalepoint FNoL flow - please don't use it for other purposes (e.g. not for case integration) No
HUB Health (optional), HUB Motor (optional)
thirdPartyPolicies[].companyCode Unique identifier for the Insurance Company, in Denmark use CVR numberIf caseType = privateMedicalInsuranceClaim Use CVR 22656511 to set "Member of Sygesikring Danmark" No
HUB Health optional
thirdPartyPolicies[].name Display name of Insurance Company No
HUB Health optional
thirdPartyPolicies[].isMember "yes", "no", "unknown"
HUB Health optional
thirdPartyPolicies[].policyType Describes the policy or policies the claimant has in the other Insurance CompanyIf caseType = privateMedicalInsuranceClaim and CVR 22656511 "Member of Sygesikring Danmark" can be set by using the following values: "1", "2", "5", "5Surgery", "Basic", "DontKnow" No
HUB Health optional
case A point of extensions for non-generic case data No
Yes for subrogation

Integration options

JSON Path Description Required
integrationOptions. autoCompleteCreation This option can be used to fully create the case (in contrast to having a case worker open the case wizard (if supported by case type) to finalize assignments and other options).
Using this option requires that assignTo is also filled out.
HUB Motor, HUB Property
integrationOptions. startSelfService This option can be used to automatically create the case and to initiate a selfservice invitation to the customer by sending out an email and an SMS (with password).
Using this option requires that and are filled out and valid.
ClaimShop only


JSON Path Description Required
questionnaire This option can be used to transfer a set of question/answer pairs (e.g. may have been asked and answered on some other first notification of loss system).
Both question and answer are freetext fields and will only be displayed in HUB Property (not parsed or matched in any way).
HUB Property only


JSON PathDescriptionRequired
policy.numberThis is the policy number.Yes
HUB Motor, HUB Property, ClaimShop, HUB Health, ECX Required
Subrogation optional
policy.policyHolder.isDataProtectedDetermines if policy holder contains protected data.No
HUB only
policy.policyHolder.nameName of the policy holder. This can be the name of a person or the name of a company.No
HUB Health optional
policy.policyHolder.commercialTaxIdThe commercial tax id is can be used if policy holder is describing a company.No
HUB Health
policy.policyHolder.emailThe email address of the policy holder.No
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.phonePhone number of the policy holder.No
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.mobileA mobile phone number of the policy holder.
This number are used when sending SMS messages. country prefix can be given as "+45" or "0045".
If number is provided without country code prefix, default country of the tenant is used.
Number after the country prefix can be numbers and spaces, no other special characters are allowed
Examples: "+45 12 34 56 78", "+4512345678".
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.street1Street of policy holders address.No
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.street2Additional street information.No
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.postalCodePostal / zip code of the policy holders addressNo
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.cityCity of the policy holders addressNo
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.stateState of the policy holders address
For US only
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.address.countryCountry of the policy holders address.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For exammple, to specify Denmark, one would use "dk".
Not currently used
policy.policyHolder.disableNotifications Disable emails to policy holder No
ECX only
policy.policyHolder.disableSystemNotifications Disable system emails to policy holder No
ECX only
policy.typePolicy type is used to describe a type of policy for which a certain set of depreciation rules apply.
It doesn't need to match any predefined policy types in ClaimShop, but in order to set up depreciation rules in ClaimShop, it should be sent consistently.
Examples: "1210", "PRIV110"
ClaimShop only
policy.productAliasList of allowed values defined in a configuration for "insuranceClaim" case typeNo
policy.productNameThe policy product name is essentially the same as policy.type, only where policy.type may be a code, policy.productName is a human readable description of the policy.type.
This will only be used for presentation.
Examples: "Private household basic", "Commercial plus"
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
policy.conditionsConditions that apply to the policyNo
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX Optional
policy.vatSharePercentageVAT share percentage is used in cases where a building is partly private and partly commercial.
The VAT share percentage can be specified to indicate how much of the building is commercial.
HUB Property only
policy.customerRatingCustomer rating values can be passed here. It can be a system of "red", "yellow" and "green" (for ECC) or anything (for HUB Property).
In order to build logic on top of this, it should be consistent
HUB Property, ClaimShop
policy.serviceLevelService level is used to determine what kind of service a customer has purchased. Any value can be sent, but in order to build login on top of this, it should be consistent.
Examples: "Basic", "Silver", "Gold"
HUB Motor only
policy.deductible.valueThe deductible is the amount of expenses that must be paid by the policy holder. If omitted, a deductible of 0.00 will be assumed.
Must be specified in US format without thousind dilimiters (e.g. 5000.00)
HUB Property, ClaimShop, HUB Health, ECXoptional
Deductible can be specified as a percentage of the replacement. In this case deductible should not be specified as value.
Deductible percentage should be a number between 0 and 100
HUB Property only
policy.deductible.minValueIf a deductible percentage is specified, optionally a minimum deductible value can be specified.No
HUB Property only
policy.deductible.maxValueIf a deductible percentage is specified, optionally a maximum deductible value can be specified.No
HUB Property only
policy.deductible.conditionalItemValueThe deductible can be defined as the value per item that the policy holder should cover. In this case deductible should not be specified as value. Must be specified in US format without thousind dilimiters (e.g. 5000.00)No
HUB Property Only
policy.deductible.conditionalItemsCountThe number of items to be deducted when conditional deductible item value is set. Must be a positive integer. Default is 1. This number multiplies conditional item value.
conditionalItemValue * conditionalItemsCount = totalDeductible
HUB Property Only
policy.deductible.conditionalTotalValueModifierAdjustment to total deductible when conditional deductible item value is set. Must be a integer. This number is added to conditional deductible total.
(conditionalItemValue * conditionalItemsCount) + conditionalTotalValueModifier = totalDeductible
HUB Property Only
policy.deductible.commentThis is intended to be a comment for the deductible. For example if deductible is changing based on number of claims per year or some other factor, an explanation of the deductible could be given here.No
Not used
policy.specialCoverageIf there is any special special coverage on the policy, it can be specified with this parameter.
The field is a freetext field, used only as reference in HUB Property.
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
policy.clausesClauses that apply to the policy can be specified with this parameter.
The field is a freetext field, used only as reference in HUB Property.
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
policy.remarksAny policy remarks can be specified with this parameter.
The field is a freetext field, used only as reference in HUB Property.
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
policy.dataDescribed in Appendix F - Descriptive content formatNo
ECX optional
policy.numberOfPeopleCoveredNumber of people covered with this policy based on this value audit could take decision. used only as reference in ClaimShop.No
ClaimShop only
policy.coverageWithNewTermsAndConditionsBased on this value, audit could take decision. Want to know if the claim is covered with new terms and conditions or not. used only as reference in ClaimShopNo
ClaimShop only
policy.coverageIdWant to know what is the coverageId so based on this value audit could take decision about the claim. This is a free text and used only as reference in ClaimShopNo
ClaimShop only
policy.coverageLimitPolicy coverage amount limit, so based on this value audit could take decision about the claim. Must be specified in US format without thousind dilimiters (e.g. 5000.00) and used only in ClaimShopNo
ClaimShop only
policy.policyStartModificationDatePolicy start date or last policy modification date.
Date/time format should follow ISO-8601
HUB only


JSON Path Description Required
customer.isDataProtected Determines if customer contains protected data. No
HUB only
customer.customerId If the customer has a reference id in your own system, this value can be sent with this parameter. No
HUB Motor, ClaimShop
customer.firstName First name of the customer No
HUB Health required, ClaimShop required, HUB Motor, HUB Property, ECX Optional
customer.lastName Last name of the customer No
HUB Health required, ClaimShop required, HUB Motor, HUB Property, ECX Optional
customer.salutation How to salute customer. For example "Mr.", "Miss" or "Mrs." No
ClaimShop only Email address of the customer No
HUB Healthoptional ClaimShop, HUB Motor, HUB Property, ECX Optional Phone number of the customer No
HUB Health, ECX optional A mobile phone number of the customer.
This number are used when sending SMS messages. country prefix can be given as "+45" or "0045".
If number is provided without country code prefix, default country of the tenant is used.
Number after the country prefix can be numbers and spaces, no other special characters are allowed
Examples: "+45 12 34 56 78", "+4512345678".
HUB Health, ECXoptional
customer.comment Remark or comment about the customer No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
customer.address.street1 Street of customers address. No
ClaimShop required, HUB Health, ECXrequired
customer.address.street2 Additional street information. No HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX Optiona l ClaimShop optional, HUB Motor ?
customer.address.postalCode Postal / zip code of the customers address No
HUB Health required ClaimShop optional, ECX Optional l City of the customers address No
HUB Health required ClaimShop optional ECX Optiona l
customer.address.state State of the customer address
For US only
ClaimShop only Country of the customers address.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For exammple, to specify Denmark, one would use " dk ".
Not used
customer.personalTaxId This is the customers social security number. Only used in Denmark (CPR number).
Should be specified as 10 digits with no punctuation.
ClaimShop, HUB Health optional
customer.paymentDetails A number of payment details can be specified for the customer. No
ClaimShop only
customer.paymentDetails[].type Specifies the type of bank account.
Allowed values are: " bankAccount " or " iban "
ClaimShop only
customer.paymentDetails[].registrationNumber Registration number for the customers bank account.
This should be specified only if "type" is "bankAccount"
ClaimShop only
customer.paymentDetails[].accountNumber Account number for the customers bank account.
This should be specified only if "type" is "bankAccount"
ClaimShop only
customer.paymentDetails[].iban IBAN account of the customer. This should be specified only if "type" is "iban" No
ClaimShop only
customer.paymentDetails[].swift SWIFT code of the customer. This should be specified only if "type" is "iban" No
ClaimShop only
customer.type Want to know what type of customer is he/she, based on this value, audit could take decision. its used as free text and used only as reference in ClaimShop No
ClaimShop only
customer.liveOutsideHomeMunicipality Want to know whether the claimant live inside his home municipality and based on the value audit could take a decision about the claim. only as reference in ClaimShop No
ClaimShop only
customer.personalAssociationCode Want to know whether the claimant have any personal association code and based on the value audit could take a decision about the claim. Its used as free text and used only as reference in ClaimShop No
ClaimShop only
customer.personalTravelCardNumber Want to know whether the claimant have any personal travel card number and based on the value audit could take a decision about the claim. Its used as free text and used only as reference in ClaimShop No
ClaimShop only
customer.disableNotifications Disable emails to claimant No
ECX only
customer.disableSystemNotifications Disable system emails to claimant No
ECX only


For the moment only HUB Property and Subrogation support contacts. The details of the contact are similar to those of "customer" with some differences:

JSON Path Description Required
contacts[].isDataProtected Determines if contact contains protected data. No
HUB only
contacts[].firstName First name of the contact. No*
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXoptional
contacts[].lastName Last name of the contact. No*
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].name The name of the contact. No*
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX, Subrogation optional
*Either `firstName` and `lastName`, or `name` should be specified
contacts[].salutation How to salute contact. For example "Mr.", "Miss" or "Mrs." No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].email Email address of the contact. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].phone Phone number of the contact. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].mobile A mobile phone number of the contact.
This number are used when sending SMS messages. country prefix can be given as "+45" or "0045".
If number is provided without country code prefix, default country of the tenant is used.
Number after the country prefix can be numbers and spaces, no other special characters are allowed
Examples: "+45 12 34 56 78", "+4512345678".
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].commercialTaxId The commercial tax id is can be used if contact is describing a company. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].comment Remark or comment about the contact. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].relation Contact relation No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX, Subrogation optional
contacts[].isExternal Defines whether the contact is external or not No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXm Subrogation optional
contacts[].street Street of contact's address. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].street2 Additional street information. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].postalCode Postal / zip code of the contact's address. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional
contacts[].city City of the contact's address. No
HUB Property, HUB Health, ECX optional


JSON Path Description Required
loss.type This can be used to describe the type of loss or damage.
Specific values apply to different applications.
Please see Appendix B – Damage Types for a list of possible values.
HUB Motor, HUB Property, ECX
loss.subType To further describe the loss or damage, this can be used.
Please see Appendix B – Damage Types for a list of possible values.
HUB Property, ECXonly
loss.description Description of the damage or loss No
HUB Motor, HUB Property, HUB Health, ECXOptional
loss.reserve To be used for health No
HUB Property, ECXonly
loss.coverage This is used to specify whether case is covered or not.Please refer to Appendix H for allowed values. No
HUB Property only
loss.coverageReason This is description in addition to specified coverage. No
HUB Property only

Loss vehicle

* Only used in legacy motor referral sustem HUB Motor. The newer claim system uses dynamic fields for setting the car loss properties. See Case section

JSON Path Description Required
loss.vehicle.type This describes the vehicle type (e.g. "car", "motorbike", "van") No
Not used
The licenseplate of the vehicle.
Should be specified without any punctuation.
HUB Motor only
loss.vehicle.brand The brand of the vehicle (e.g. "BMW", "Volvo" or "Ford") No
HUB Motor only
loss.vehicle.model Model description of the vehicle (e.g. "320 Touring", "V70" or "Mondeo") No
HUB Motor only
loss.vehicle.variant This describes the specific variant of the vehicle model (e.g. "1,2 AUT.", "1,8i Sedan" or "2,4 D5) No
HUB Motor only
loss.vehicle.year The year when the vehicle was produced.
Should be in the format "yyyy" (e.g. "1998" or "2005")
HUB Motor only
loss.vehicle.chassisNo Chassis number of the vehicle No
HUB Motor only
The vehicle location postalcode, can be specified if the vehicle is located at another location than "customer.address".
If specified, this postal code will be used to locate nearest repairshop, otherwise "customer.address" will be used.
HUB Motor only
The damage areas is a list of areas on the vehicle where there is a damage.
Please refer to Appendix C – Vehicle damage areas for a list of possible values.
HUB Motor only

Loss building

JSON PathDescriptionRequired
loss.building.sectorSector is a code, which can be any one of the ones defined in Appendix D – Building sectors.No
HUB Property only
Street of building address.
HUB Health: Building.address is Primary Address, used when finding closest service provider
HUB Property only
Additional building information.No
HUB Property only
Postal / zip code of the building addressNo
HUB Property only
City of the building addressNo
HUB Property only
State of the building address
For US only
Not used
Country of the customers address.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For exammple, to specify Denmark, one would use "dk".
Not used
loss.building.buildingYearBuilding year indicates the year the building was completed.
Should be in the format "yyyy" (e.g. "1965" or "2000")
HUB Property only
Indicates the amount of space of the building which is living area (e.g. "200 m2")
This is a string value and as such there are no specific format to be used.
HUB Property only
Indicates the amount of space of the building which is basement area (e.g. "75 m2")
This is a string value and as such there are no specific format to be used.
HUB Property only
Indicates the amount of space which is occupied by a garage or other outdoor building areas (e.g. "50 m2").
This is a string value and as such there are no specific format to be used.
HUB Property only
loss.building.roofTypeThis can be use to specify the type of roof on the building.
This is a string value and as such there are no specific format to be used. (max 50 chars)
HUB Property only
loss.building.timberUse to indicate if the building is a timber framing building (danish: bindingsværk).
Allowed values: "true" or "false".
HUB Property only
Use this to indicate whether a condition report for the building exists.
Allowed values: "true" or "false".
HUB Property only
Use to specify collection of property units. For example for several buildings on a commercial claimNo

HUB Property only
Name of the unitYes

HUB Property only
Description of the unitNo

HUB Property only
Unit construction year indicates the year the building was completed.
Should be in the integer format "yyyy" (e.g. 1965 or 2000)

HUB Property only
Indicates the amount of space of the building
This is a number value (e.g. 200.5)

HUB Property only
Indicates the amount floors in the building
This is an integer value (e.g. 4)

HUB Property only
Indicates the type of the roof. valid values are: Hard, Thatch, BuildUp, Turf (max 50 chars)No

HUB Property only

Loss health

JSON Path Description Required Sector is a code, which can be any one of the ones defined in Appendix D.1 – Health sectors. No
HUB Health optional Initial Diagnosis code set by claimhandler.eks. "KAAB00-Excision af intrakranielt patologisk væv"(Not yet reflected in implementation) No
HUB Health optional Have the claimant been to his local doctor and have been refered to a type of treatment"Yes"
"DontKnow"(Not yet reflected in implementation)
HUB Health optional "Yes"
"NotRelevant"(Not yet reflected in implementation)
HUB Health optional "hospitalTreatment""mentalTreatment""physicalTreatment""otherTreatment" No
HUB Health optional

Risk Assessment

JSON PathDescriptionRequired
JSON PathDescriptionRequired
Street of building address.No
HUB Property only
Additional building information.No
HUB Property only
Postal / zip code of the building addressNo
HUB Property only
City of the building addressNo
HUB Property only
State of the building address
For US only
Not used
Country of the customers address.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For exammple, to specify Denmark, one would use "dk".
Not used
riskAssessment.clauses[]Clauses grouped by categoriesNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.clauses[].nameClause category nameYes
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.clauses[].items[]Clauses in the categoryNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.clauses[].items[].nameClause nameYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.clauses[].items[].descriptionClause descriptionYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.coverages[]Coverages selected for risk assessmentNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.coverages[].nameCoverage nameYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.coverages[].checkedSpecifies if coverage is pre-selectedYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.riskAssessmentConditionsRisk assessment conditionsNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.inspectionCoverageFeedback[]Risk assessment inspection feedbackNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.inspectionCoverageFeedback[].nameRisk assessment inspection feedback nameYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.inspectionCoverageFeedback[].checkedRisk assessment inspection feedback should is selectedYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.enabledBuildingProperties[]Lists names of risk assessment building properties which are visible and can be edited in HUB Property. Properties not included here will be hidden.
If omitted then no building properties can be presented and buildings will be hidden.
Supported values are: "number", "description", "constructionYear", "buildingArea", "livingArea", "loftArea", "loftLivingArea", "basementLivingArea", "externalWall", "roof", "roofDeck", "foundation", "details".

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[]Lists additional possible coverages per building.

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].nameName of coverage.

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].typeType of coverage. Supported values are: "boolean", "string", "number", "enum". For "enum", additional property "items" is required.

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].itemsList of possible option for additional coverage. Required if additional coverage is of type "enum".

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].items[].nameDisplay name for a single option for additional coverage of type "enum".

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].items[].valueTechnical value for a single option for additional coverage of type "enum".

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[]Specifies building that should be inspectedNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].nameBuilding nameYes

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].descriptionBuilding descriptionNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].typeBuilding type.
Valid values are: villa, leisurehome, gardenhouse, closedfarm, closedproductionbuilding, townhouse, allotmenthouse, apartmentbuilding, farm, commercialbuilding, shed, other
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].typeA1Alternative building type #1.
Valid values are: villa, leisurehome, gardenhouse, closedfarm, closedproductionbuilding, townhouse
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].typeA2Alternative building type #2.
Valid values are: parcel, leisurehome, gardenhouse, closedfarm, closedproductionbuilding
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].typeA3Alternative building type #3.
Valid values are: leisurehome, villa, townhouse, allotmenthouse
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].typeA4Alternative building type #4.
Valid values are: parcel, leisurehome, gardenhouse, cottage, caravan, trailer
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].useDescribes how building is used.
Valid values are: residential, rent, residentialandcommercial, commercial, agriculture, agricultureandcommercial, other
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].useA1Alternative building use description #1.
Valid values are: residential, rent, residentialandcommercial
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].useA2Alternative building use description #2.
Valid values are: leisure, leisurerent
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].constructionYearBuilding construction yearNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].numberOfFloorsWithoutBasementNumber of building floors without basementNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].buildingAreaBuilding areaNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].livingAreaBuilding living areaNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].loftAreaBuilding loft areaNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].loftLivingAreaBuilding loft living areaNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].basementAreaBuilding basement areaNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].basementLivingAreaBuilding basement living areaNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].numberOfToiletsNumber of building toiletsNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].heatingBuilding heating type.
Valid values are: electric, district, naturalgas, oil, stokerboilers, strawboilers, geothermal, solarpanels, heatpumpairtowater, heatpumpairtoair, underfloorheating, underfloorheatingcopper, pelletburnercertified, other
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].heatingA1Alternative building heating type.
Valid values are: electric, district, central, boilers, other
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].externalWallBuilding external wall type.
Valid values are: brick, wood, lightweightconcrete, concrete, timberframing, concreteelements, stone, eternit, steel, aluminium, glass, other

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].roofBuilding roof typeValid values are: gridrafter, collarbeam, highrafter, beamrafter, lowroundrafter, concrete, singlesloped, flat, dachhip, otherNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].roofA1Alternative building roof type.
Valid values are: solid, flat, greennature, thatchedfireproof, thatchednotfireproof
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].roofDeckBuilding roof deck typeValid values are: roofingfelt, roofingtiles, concretetiles, eternit, steel, thatched, thatchedfireproof, thatchedfirecloth, slate, eternitslate, onduline, copper, zinc, aluminium, cardboard, cuts, greennature, open, otherNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].foundationBuilding foundation typeValid values are: concrete, stone, brick, none, earth, pointfoundation, otherNo

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].otherBuildingsAreaOther property buildings areaNo
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].otherBuildingsRoofOther property buildings roof type.
Valid values are: na, thatched, other
HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].detailsBuilding additional details

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].coverages[]Lists additional coverage for building.

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].coverages[].nameName of additional coverage. Must be one of the names listed in riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[].

HUB Property only
riskAssessment.buildings[].coverages[].valueValue of additional coverage. Must have the same type as corresponding type listed in riskAssessment.additionalCoverages[]. The exact additional coverage will be found by coverage name.

HUB Property only

Extra modifiers

The extra modifiers can be used to enhance a case with additional details. It takes the following format:

"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "<modifierCode>",
   "value": "<modifierValue>"
Modifier code Description Required
propertyCode A property code is an extra code that is linked to the vehicle type and which can be used in HUB Motor to select certain repairshops over others.
The property codes have to be defined in HUB Motor beforehand.
HUB Motor only
inspectionType Sets the inspection type, to be used for the case.
Allowed values are: "any", "field", "desk" and "content".
Only one inspectionType should be used for a case.
HUB Property only
typeOfHiddenPlacesPipes required follow-up question for loss.subType = HiddenPlaces. PossibleValues : "HeatingPipes", "FloorHeating", "FloorHeatingElectrical", "Water", "Sewer", "DownPipe", "WhiteGoodPipes", "Unknown", "HiddenWaterOrHeatingPipes", "HiddenDrainPipes", "VisiblePipes", "Other" No
HUB Property only
typeOfServicePipes required follow-up question for loss.subType = ServicePipes. PossibleValues : PossibleValues : "Sewer", "Electrical", "Water", "ExteriorHeating", "Unknown", "PhoneAntennaCable", "Other"
HUB Property only
leakType required follow-up question for loss.subType = HiddenPlaces. PossibleValues : "Leak", "OilLeak", "SlowRunningWater", "Other" No
HUB Property only
damageToRoof required follow-up question for loss.type = StormDamage, loss.subType=Storm, loss.subType = 'StormRain' PossibleValues : "Yes", "No" No
HUB Property only
stormDamageRoofType required follow-up question for damageToRoof = Yes.PossibleValues : "RoofingTile", "RoofingFelt", "Other" No
HUB Property only
required follow-up question for loss.type = RotInsectDamage. Integer value greater than 0. Windowscount > 0 requeries conditional deductible should be set manually (warning).
NOTE: Use policy.deductible.conditionalItemsCount instead. Value from conditionalItemsCount overrides when set together.
HUB Property only
damageCauseDescription required follow-up question for loss.subType = Other. Free text description of the damage cause No
HUB Property, ClaimShop, ContentItemization
leakTypeOtherDescription required follow-up question for extraModifiers.type = "leakType" and extraModifiers.value = "Other". Free text description of the leak type No
HUB Property only
postItemizationCompletedUrl Claimant will be redirected to this URL after content itemization completion. No
ContentItemization only
sourceOfFNOL defines who initiated the FNOL process, possible values are "claimant" or "claimhandler" No
ClaimShop only
policyType defines that provided policy is not complete and is just a reference that could be used to obtain full policy details. Possible value "reference" No
policyHolderIsClaimant boolean value that indicates if policy holder should be treated as claimant on the case No
selfServiceExtraText string value that will be displayed in selfservice for this claimant. This can be formatted with subset of BBcodes:
[br], [b]text[/b], [i]text[/i], [u]text[/u], [s]text[/s], [color=#FF0000]text[/color], [size=20]text[/size]
Claimshop and ContentItemization only
extraDataForAutomation string value that will be sent to AI CC in Settlement, RV and Bestfit flows No
Claimshop only
nameAndAddressProtected boolean value that indicates that the claimant has his name and address under protection in ECC No


"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "propertyCode",
   "value": "1102"
"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "inspectionType",
   "value": "field"
"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "typeOfHiddenPlacesPipes",
   "value": "FloorHeating"
   "type": "LeakType",
   "value": "OilLeak"
"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "postItemizationCompletedUrl",
   "value": ""
"extraModifiers": [
    "type": "sourceOfFNOL",
    "value": "claimant"


The assignTo section can be used to assign people, pools and companies to various roles in HUB Motor, HUB Property and ClaimShop applications. Multiple roles can be assigned. The format is as follows:

"assignTo": [{
    "role": "caseOwner",
    "email": ""
   "services": [{
        "type": "vehicleRepair"
   "id": "12345-3445-AD45-3445-AD45"
Role Description Required
caseOwner Can be used to assign the case-owner / creator of the case. Field "email" or "autoAssign" will be required as well. Yes
ClaimShop, HUB Property, HUB Motor
networkCraftsman Can be used to assign a network craftsman. If the field: "autoAssign" is true, a craftsman from the network will automatically be assigned, based on location, profession and other settings. No
HUB Property
externalCraftsman This can be used to assign an external craftsman. The field: "email" will then be used to specify an email of the external craftsman.
The "damageExtent" field can be used to give a damage description for the external craftsman.
HUB Property
damageService This role can be used to assign a damage service company. Field "autoAssign" is used to automatically find the closed one.
Field: "isAcute" is to indicate ugency.
HUB Property
riskAssessor This role can be used to assign assessor for a risk assessment service. Field "autoAssign" is used to automatically find the best one.
If insurance company treats field and desk assessors separately extraModifiers item with type "inspectionType" is used to specify assessor type
HUB Property
assessor This role can be used to assign assessor for vehicleRepair service and buildingRepair service. Field "autoAssign" is used to automatically find the best one. No
HUB Motor
HUB Property

services []

services[]. Description Support
type Type of the service. Supported values are: "vehicleRepair", "buildingInspection", "buildingRepair"
  • all:required


The damageAddress section can be used to set custom address for generic type (Insurance) claims. When newly added damage address is provided we use it to set damage address value on claim. The format is as follows:

"damageAddress": {
    "street1": "streetName",
    "street2": "",
    "postalCode": "1234",
    "city": "City Name",
    "state": "",
    "country": "dk"
Role Description Required
damageAddress.street1 Street of custom damage address. No
damageAddress.street2 Additional street information. No
damageAddress.postalCode Postal / zip code of the custom damage address No City of the custom damage address No
damageAddress.state State of the custom damage address
For US only
No Country of the custom damage address.
For country codes, Scalepoint uses values as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, albeit in lowercase.
For example, to specify Denmark, one would use " dk ".
Not used


The customService section can be used to request custom service with assigned External or Internal Service Partner. Service request can be blocked by enabling the "Custom service request default value". The format is as follows:

"customService": {
    "id": "",
    "title": "Test",
    "asigneeType": "External",
    "email": ""
Role Description Required Service partner id - can be null if would like to create new Service Partner, but email must be set. No
customService.title Custom service title No
customService.asigneeType Type of service partner - ""Internal"/"External" Yes Service partner e-mail. Use for new service partner when is not set Yes


The case section can be used to pass an additional, non-generic data for different case types. It also can be used to map dynamic fields automatically.

Role Description Required
accidentPlace Holds the information about the registered accident place for a subrogation case Yes
category Vehicle damage category. Possible values: "other", "collision", "theft", "theftAttempt", "vandalism", "glassDamage", "fallingDust", "fire", "shortCircuit", "totallyDisappeared", "water", "snowPressure", "roadAssistance" No
year Vehicle model year No
vehicleBrand Vehicle brand No
registrationNo Vehicle registration number No
chassisNo Vehicle chassis number No
vehicleModel Vehicle model No
vehicleDamageZones Vahicle damage zones. Possible values: "front", "rightSideFront", "leftSideFront", "rightSideMiddle", "leftSideMiddle", "rightSideRear", "leftSideRear", "rearSection", "roof", "rearScreen", "frontWindscreen", "compartment", "mechanicalParts", "everywhere", "acessories", "floorpan", "noDamage", "other" No
vehicleTypeForMotor Possible values: "regular", "camping", "car", "motorcycle", "trailer", "caravan", "scooter", "other" No
subDamageReason Possible values: "bikeStolen", "bikeStolenAndFound", "bikeVandalism", "bikeDamageRelatedToTrafic", "biketransportDamage", "otherBikeDamage" No

Appendix B – Damage Types

HUB Motor Damage types

Damage type codeDescription

HUB Property Damage types and subtypes

Damage types Damage subtypes





































Appendix C – Vehicle damage areas

Damage areas
Højre side bagest
Højre side forrest
Højre side midtfor
Mekaniske dele
Venstre side bagest
Venstre side forrest
Venstre side midtfor

Appendix D – Building sectors

Secret code

Appendix D.1 – Health sectors

Secret code

Appendix E – External references

Country codes

Date/time format

Appendix F - Descriptive content format

Allows providing additional unstructured data that can be displayed on UI. Is not intended to be edited in application.

JSON path Description Required
title Header for the whole content section No
properties Object or array Yes
properties[].title Display name of field Yes
properties[].value Value of field Yes
properties[].formattedValue Overrides properties[].value when displaying No
   "title": "<title>",
   "properties": {
     "xxx": {
       "title": "<title>",
       "value": <value>,
       "formattedValue": "<formatted value>"
     "yyy": {
       "title": "<title>",
       "properties": { ... }
   "title": "<title>",
   "properties": [
       "title": "<title>",
       "value": <value>,
       "formattedValue": "<formatted value>"
       "title": "<title>",
       "properties": { ... }


  "properties": {
    "deductible": {
      "title": "Deductible",
      "value": 5000.57,
      "formattedValue": "5,000.57 kr."
  "title": "Deductible section",
  "properties": {
    "deductibleHistory": {
      "title": "Deductible history",
      "value": "No"
    "selfRisk": {
      "title": "Self risk",
      "properties": {
        "deductible": {
          "title": "Deductible",
          "value": 5000.57,
          "formattedValue": "5,000.57 kr."

Appendix G - AssignTo with service provider and case owner roles described

This set of options can be used to fully create the case (in contrast to having a case worker open the case wizard).

"integrationOptions" : {
    "autoCompleteCreation" : true
"assignTo" : [{
        "services" : [{
                "type" : "vehicleRepair",
        "id" : "12345-3445-AD45-3445-AD45"
    }, {
        "role" : "caseOwner",
        "email" : ""

Appendix H - Loss(damage) coverages


Appendix I - AssignTo with service partner and additional referral options (building claim example)

Here is an example how to specify service referral options for building claim

"assignTo" : [
      "role": "networkCraftsman",
      "autoAssign": true,
      "services": [
              "type": "buildingRepair",
              "allowToStartRepairImmediately": true,
              "repairAllowanceLimit": 11111
              "type": "buildingInspection"
"extraModifiers": [{
   "type": "postItemizationCompletedUrl",
   "value": ""

Appendix J - Case Create request payload examples