All events contain some header information
Field | Description |
$schema | json schema |
$schema_base | base schema for all events |
eventType | type of the event corresponding the schema |
payloadVersion | version |
correlationId | id used to correlate behavior in backend system |
timestamp | timestamp for the event |
Folling is a list of all current supported events
Supported systems: HUB Property
Send when a claim has been created in CWA. Most useful when the case is not created thourgh integration as the backend system can react with case_created event back to CWA updating the case number.
Supported systems: ClaimShop, HUB Property
Event is sent when claim is closed.
"$schema": "./schemas/claim_updated_payload.json",
"$schema_base": "./schemas/event_envelope.schema.json",
"eventType": "claim_updated",
"payloadVersion": "1.0.0",
"correlationId": "f80245d2-d4a2-4f41-b488-bfb470ee48be",
"timestamp": "2016-12-01T12:34:39.887165Z",
"case": {
"number": "CN82411074",
"token": "b.9e28f37f-4495-4b26-8654-10db263fd618",
"caseType": "PropertyClaim"
"changedBy": {
"fullName": "Built-in Administrator",
"username": "admin",
"userType": "Scalepoint"
"changes": [
"property": "CaseClosed",
"isTerminated": true,
"terminationReason": "CreatedByMistake",
"terminationReasonDescription": "Description"
If isTerminated is false, then the claim has gone through happy flow (craftsman assigned, invoiced approved...)
Otherwise the following termination reasons are possible:
TerminationReason | Description |
None | None is used when claim is not terminated = "close claim" task was suggested to user and claim was closed in normal flow |
NotCovered | Claim handler changes coverage to 'Not covered' and closes case - not matter if claim was covered prior |
BelowDeductible | Claim handler changes coverage to 'Below Deductible' and closes case |
CreatedByMistake | Only used in connection with termination. Used when user manually choose "termination" and select "created by mistake" |
Other | Only used in connection with termination. Used when user manually choose "other" and select "created by "other". User can add terminationReason in text. This text is added to request |
PhoneInspection | Assessor has option when assigned to inspection to select "phone-inspection" and set coverage. If this result in not covered then claim can be terminated. Seems that phoneInspection is not used |
NotCoveredAfterInspection | Service partner sets claim as not covered |
PaidInOwnSystem | Claim handler marked that the claim would already handled in backend system. Only used in connection with "terminated" |
Inactivity | In settings it can be defined when case is closed by system due to inactivity |
CustomReason | Claim handler inputs customer reason provided in the TerminationReasonDescription |
User friendly message which can be showed on UI
True if user checked the corresponding box when closing the claim.
Send when the claim has previously been closed, but is not opened once again. Can happend for instance if a service provider files an invoice or if the claimant writes a message. The claim handler can also choose to reopen the case.
Send when the accident date has been changed on the damage tab.
Send when 'Additional claim fields' have been changed on UI. These are the individually configurable fields.
Payload example:
"id": "_1001",
"type": "reserve_updated",
"timestamp": "2021-02-15T13:48:36.008917413Z",
"attributes": {
"eventType": "reserve_updated",
"payloadVersion": "1.1.0",
"changesInReserves": {
"2190": [
"property": "planned",
"newValue": 1037.0
"property": "actual",
"newValue": 0.0
"property": "isdefault",
"newValue": true
"property": "title",
"newValue": "Oprindelig reserve"
"property": "id",
"newValue": 2190
"property": "",
"newValue": 1904
"property": "",
"newValue": "Alm. Erstatning"
"property": "type.code",
"newValue": "RE-001"
"property": "type.flow",
"newValue": 0
"correlationId": "9bdcbed3-fbd7-4333-be06-a15c19f0890f",
"timestamp": "2021-02-15T13:48:36.8432584+00:00",
"case": {
"uuid": "30cc0a25-4903-47ca-9856-d822aad0e331",
"number": "905709",
"token": "ic.30cc0a25-4903-47ca-9856-d822aad0e331"
"changedBy": {}
When reserve has changed. Either manually or if an invoice has been approved and the reserve is therefore decreased.
"$schema": "",
"definitions": {
"planned": {
"type": "number"
"plannedChange": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"property": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"newValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/planned"
"oldValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/planned"
"outgoing": {
"type": "number"
"outgoingChange": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"property": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"newValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/outgoing"
"oldValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/outgoing"
"incoming": {
"type": "number"
"incomingChange": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"property": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"newValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/incoming"
"oldValue": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/incoming"
"changesInReserves": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/changeItem"
"changeItem": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["property", "newValue"],
"properties": {
"property": {
"type": "string"
"newValue": {
"type": ["number", "string", "boolean", "null"]
"oldValue": {
"type": ["number", "string", "boolean", "null"]
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"eventType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"payloadVersion": {
"type": "string"
"correlationId": {
"type": "string"
"timestamp": {
"type": "string"
"case": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"number": {
"type": "string"
"token": {
"type": "string"
"uuid": {
"type": "string"
"changedBy": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fullName": {
"type": ["string", "null"]
"username": {
"type": ["string", "null"]
"email": {
"type": ["string", "null"]
"changesInReserves": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/changesInReserves"
"required": [
Supported systems: ClaimShop, HUB Property
This event is used to integrate information about payments, invoices and claimant share (like deductible, depreciation, vat).
A settlement is zero or multiple expenses and claimant share approved and payed out on a claim.
When a case is partially or fully settled in Scalepoint
Field | Description |
case | |
case.uuid | Unique key for the case |
case.token | case token |
case.number | claim number |
settlement | |
settlement.approvedby | Who approve the settlement | | Approver name | | Approver email |
settlement.approvedby.type | user or system (in case of automatic approval) |
summary | different values affecting the payments, all in money |
summary.manualReduction | Used for various purposes on a contentClaim |
summary.shareOfVat | amount of VAT the claimant pays |
summary.deductible | amount of deductible applied in this settlement |
summary.depreciation | amount of depreciation applied in this settlement |
Parties | Participants who either payes or recieves money |
Party.$id | reference to this party within the json document |
Party.address | | | identification of the participant, can be cpr-number or cvr-number |
Party.internalid | unique key provided by the IC: In case of network service providers, this is manage in scalepoint ui |
Party.externalId | Service Partner Id from external systems when available (e.g forsti related claims) |
Party.participantId | Service Partner Agent Id from the system |
Party.roles | Role that this partiy plays on the claim. can be: serviceProvider, policyHolder, claimant |
expenses | summary of the approved expenses |
expense.$id | reference to this expense within the json document |
expense.uuid | Unique id for the expense | | identification of the expense, usually the invoice number given by the service partner | | total amount on the invoice, before any selfcoverage (deductible, depreciation...) |
expense.subtotal | total minus VAT |
expense.vat | vat |
expense.currencyCode | currency for the invoice, usually DKK for now |
expense.issueDate | Date for when the invoice was issued by the payee party |
expense.dueDate | Duedate as stated on the invoice |
expense.expenseType | scalepoint specific type of invoice |
expense.administrative | if the invoice is for a service which is not claim related |
expense.payerParty | payer as stated on the invoice |
expense.payeeParty | issuer of invoice |
expense.isPayeeThirdPartyClaimant | flag to distinguish if payee is a third party claimant |
expense.claimantParty | claimant party data if payee is third party claimant |
expense.policyCoverage | expense coverage by policy |
expense.registrationNo | car registration number (motor only) |
obligations | summary of who is obliged to compensate what |
obligation.$id | reference to this obligation within the json document |
obligation.type | type of obligation like compensation, deductible, depreciation, vat, creditnote |
obligation.payerParty | reference to participant who is obliged to compensate |
obligation.payeeParty | reference to participant who needs compensation |
obligation.amount | amount to be compensated |
obligation.currencyCode | currency of obligation, usually DKK for now |
obligation.ruleName | name of the rule describing the reason for obligation |
obligation.expense | reference to expense that needs compensation |
obligation.creditNote | reference to expense that is crediting |
payments | Array of transactions between parties |
payment.uuid | Unique id for the particular transaction. Can be used to provide feedback to scalepoint if the given transaction succeeded or not |
payment.dueDate | When the transaction is due. This value is not taken directly from the invoice, but taken from payment terms |
payment.payerParty | reference to the paying participant |
payment.payeeParty | reference to the participant getting payed | | Amount to be transferred |
payment.currencyCode | currency for the transaction, usually DKK for now |
payment.paymentMeans | Suggested payment means |
payment.paymentMeans.paymentChannelCode | possible values: DK:BANK, DK:FIK, IBAN, DK:NEMKONTO |
payment.paymentMeans.paymentId | |
payment.paymentMeans.instructionId | |
payment.paymentMeans.creditAccount | |
payment.additionalPaymentMeans | Payment means alternative to suggested payment.paymentMeans |
payment.expenses | expenses to which this transaction relates |
payment.obligations | obligations to which this transaction relates |
This event is used to notify the system when a new message is added to a claim. It provides information about the message, including the channel, sender, and other relevant metadata.
Field | Description |
message | | | Unique identifier for the message |
message.timestamp | Timestamp when the message was received | | The channel through which the message was received (e.g., email, SMS, myClaim, etc.) |
message.sender | Information about the sender of the message | | Name of the sender | | Email address of the sender (if applicable) | | Phone number of the sender (if applicable) |
message.sender.type | Type of sender (e.g., Participant, Unknown sender) |
message.sender.role | Role of the sender (e.g., PolicyHolder, ServiceProvider) |
message.content | Content of the message |
message.attachments | List of attachments included in the message |
message.attachments.fileName | Name of the attached file |
message.attachments.fileType | Type of the attached file |
message.attachments.uploadedBy | Information about who uploaded the attachment |
"messageReceivedData": {
"type": "object",
"title": "message_received event",
"properties": {
"senderData": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"email": {
"type": "string"
"roles": {
"type": "string"
"isClaimParticipant": {
"type": "boolean"
"messageData": {
"title": "Message data",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"subject": {
"type": "string"
"receivedOn": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"channelType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"addMessageAction": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
The provided case.number is save to the claim with the given case.token, if it does not already have a number.
Used when the backend system fails to generate a case number. Case will be closed in CWA and the message will be displayed to the user
used to create messeages on the message tap of a given claim. the type can be used to set up rules for creating specific tasks for claimhandlers.
When a particular payment in a case_settled event has been processed or canceled, the ic can send this event, to reflect the change on the settlements tab in CWA.