Message received


message_received event is sent to Insurance Company when claimShop module receives a message from a service partner inside Repari & Valuation module.

message_received example event

  "eventType": "message_recieved",
  "payloadVersion": "1.0.0",
  "correlationId": "8b543f3e-869c-4e97-95fe-9a2d37b87321",
  "timestamp": "2016-12-01T11:36:10.0556195Z",
  "case": {
    "number": "2202502252",
    "token": "b.9e28f37f-4495-4b26-8654-10db263fd618",
    "caseType": "PropertyClaim"
  "to": {
    "fullName": "claim handler dude",
    "username": "hc",
    "userType": "ClaimHandler"
  "from": {
    "fullName": "Hans Jørgen",
    "username": "HJ",
    "userType": "ServiceProvider",
    "email": ""

  "message": {
    "subject": "some subject",
    "messageContent": "some messagee content"
Description - message received
Attribute Name Description
#Case Case related information
case.uuid Unique id for the case
case.number The caseNumber is the identifier for the case received from Insurance Company
case.externalclaimId External claim Id is unique to the specified case and provided by Insurance Company
case.token Case token - using this token customer always get the case related information
case.caseType The caseType determines the kind of case - contentClaim, propertyclaim
timestamp Time stamp when the event is created
correlationId Scalepoint internal Id
payloadVersion Version of the payload, in case if we do any breaking changes we will update this version
eventType Type of the event. Fx. case_settled, claim_updated
|#To | TO whom the message refers to |
    | to.fullName  | Full name of the person to whom the claim should be assigned |
    | to.username  | User name of the person to whom the claim should be assigned  |
    | to.userType  | User Type of the person wto whom the claim should be assigned Fx. user or admin |
| #From | From whom the message has been sent |
    | from.fullName  | Full name of the person to whom the claim should be assigned |
    | from.username  | User name of the person to whom the claim should be assigned  |
    | from.userType  | User Type of the person wto whom the claim should be assigned Fx. user or admin |
    |  | User email |
| Message | Actual Message Object|
    | message.subject  | Subject of the actual message |
    | message.messageContent  | Content of the actual message  |
JSON Schema of message_received
Examples of message_received

Types of Events Supported by ClaimShop