Service partners files integration


To submit file to case or damage notification service partner must provide valid authorization header. For more information, please see authentication.

The file submission endpoints require "platform-service-provider:write" scope.

Endpoints and their details described on this page are only applicable for use in Scalepoint ECB system.

Integration point URLs

Below 2 available integration points are described with samples provided.

Submitting files to open cases

With this endpoint files can be submitted to open cases in ECB system.

URL: /file/submitForCase


URL Example:


  • Case must not be closed
  • User with provided e-mail must exist and be active under service partner employees in Scalepoint ECB system
  • Valid service partner security token must be provided

Submitting files to damage notifications

URL: /file/submitForDamageNotification


URL Example:


  • Damage notification must not be merged to a case
  • User with provided e-mail must exist and be active under service partner employees in Scalepoint ECB system
  • Valid service partner security token must be provided

Request structure

File submit request must be in form of json which means that it must include Content-Type header equal to: “application/json”. For more details of available content types please see Content-Type description.

The request must include only one part with Content-Type header equal to “application/vnd.casecreation+json”. This part will be treated as a FNoL payload. Request can consist also of other parts that will be processed and treated as attachments for submitted FNoL. FNoL payload schema is the same as for the unified case creation and it is tenant specific. For more details, please see case integration api.

Request parameters description

Field Json Path Data type Description
Security token $.securityToken string with guid format Required
Used as extra layer of verification
Timestamp $.timestamp string with date-time (yyyy-MM-dd) format Not required
Id $ string with guid format Guid identifier of either case or damage notification
Insurance company alias $.payload.insuranceCompanyAlias string Required
Reach out to Scalepoint contact to retrieve proper values to be put as a value for this field
User e-mail $.payload.userEmail string with proper email format Required
Email of user existing as active service partner employee in Scalepoint ECB system
File name $.payload.files[*].fileName string Required
File name, max length - 500 characters
Content type $.payload.files[*].contentType string Required
File content type. See Content-Type description for proper matching of file extensions to content types
Content $.payload.files[*].content string Required
Only content encoded as base64 string will be accepted as valid
Description $.payload.files[*].description string Not required
Description of file
Is restricted $.payload.files[*].isRestricted boolean Not required
If true - file will be restricted to file creator and insurance company users, otherwise file will be public. Applicable only when uploading file directly to case. When damage notification is merged to a case all attached files are public by default.
Is damage image $.payload.files[*].isDamageImage boolean Not required
Required only for damage notification, default false

Example request

  "securityToken": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "payload": {
      "files": [
          "content": "base64encoded file content",
          "contentType": "text/plain",
          "fileName": "filename.txt",
          "description": "test description",
          "isRestricted": false,
          "isDamageImage": false
          "content": "base64encoded file2 content",
          "contentType": "text/csv",
          "description": "test csv file2",
          "fileName": "test.csv",
          "isDamageImage": false,
          "isRestricted": false
      "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "insuranceCompanyAlias": "company",
      "userEmail": ""

NOTE: In order to retrieve proper insuranceCompanyAlias and securityToken reach out to your contact at Scalepoint.

Response parameters description

Field Json Path Data type Description
Success $.success boolean True - if all went ok, False otherwise
Error description $.errorDescription string Description for returned error
Error type $.errorType string Type of returned error

Available response status codes description

Response with Status Code Error type Description
OK (200) n/a Success
Files were uploaded successfully to specified case or damage notification. See this for sample successful response
BadRequest (400) ClaimIsClosed or DamageNotificationMergedToClaim Can occur when endpoint is invoked for either closed case or damage notification already merged to case
Unauthorized (401) n/a When no authorization header or wrong authorization header provided in the request
NotFound (404) UserNotFound or ClaimNotFound or DamageNotificationNotFound Not found
On endpoint execution one of errors occured - either case/damage notification/service partner user was not found - error type indicates detailed information on which one was it.
RequestEntityTooLarge (413) GenericError One of files exceeded allowed max file size (100 MB)
UnsupportedMediaType (415) GenericError One of files had unsupported file extension. List of allowed extensions available here
InternalServerError (500) GenericError Any other errors that occur during endpoint invokation. Will contain technical error details in errorDescription field.

Example response


    "success": true,
    "payload": {
        "files": [
                "id": "ce502efb-6128-4c89-8850-79ac648bef84",
                "fileName": "filename.txt"
                "id": "d37b2e13-c2da-44f8-acd7-066b7a1396f9",
                "fileName": "test.csv"


    "success": false,
    "errorDescription": " with value '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' is not ok. Reason: Damage notification with id 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 is already merged to claim with id 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
    "errorType": "DamageNotificationMergedToClaim"

Allowed file extensions

Below table lists all allowed file extensions to be used during endpoints invocation

File types Allowed extensions
Images .webm, .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .pic, .pict, .png, .rf, .rgb, .dwg, .svg, .svgz, .tif, .tiff
Video .mkv, .3gp, .asf, .avi, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpa, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .m4u, .mp4, .mp4v, .mpg4, .mov, .qt, .ogv, .m4v, .rv
Audio mp2, mp3, mpga, m2a, m4a, m4b, m4p, m4r, flac, ra, ram, wav, ogg, oga, spx, mid, midi, wma, wax, mka, aac, adt, adts, aif, aifc, aiff, au, m3u, rmi, rpm, smd, smx, smz, snd, s3m, qcp
Web .xhtml, .xht, .htmls, .shtml, .html, .htm, .mht
Office .xl, .xld, .xlk, .xlv, .word, .doc, .rtf, .docm, .one, .ods, .ppz, .odt, .dot, .mso, .xml, .xsl, .xll, .ttf, .tex, .texi, .texinfo, .mpc, .xls, .xla, .xlb, .xlc, .xlm, .xlt, .xlw, .xlam, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltm, .pot, .ppt, .pwz, .ppa, .pps, .ppam, .pptm, .ppsm, .potm, .docm, .dotm, .potx, .ppsx, .pptx, .xlsx, .xltx, .docx, .dotx
Common .eml, .msg, .pdf, .sig, .json, .p7s, .zip, .vcf, .vcs, .txt, .text, .vsd, .csv, .xps, .oxps, .heic, .avif
Calculation documents .frs, .sit, .nta
Other .xsd, .css, .emz, .wmz, .dat, .mht, .ics, .url, .vsd, .vst, .vsw, .rtx, .rt, .vml, .rels