task created


task_created event is sent to IC so that a claim handler could take some action related to that claim. For example, scalepoint platform could send the result from Audit rule engine so based on the result a claim handler could take action.

task_created(Valuation Result)

  "success": true,
  "statusCode": 0,
  "payload": {
    "evaluationResult": "ManualEvaluation",
    "newAssigneeType": "Field",
    "newAssigneeId": "td_admin",
    "isSelectedForTraining": false,
    "triggeredRules": [
        "name": "iPhone in description",
        "publicMessage": "",
        "internalMessage": "[{\"ClaimLineId\": \"1\", \"reason\":\"Line contains iPhone in product description \"},\n{\"ClaimLineId\": \"2\", \"reason\":\"Line contains iPhone in product description \"}]",
        "messageFormat": "json",
        "messageType": "array"
        "name": "Replacement price limit",
        "publicMessage": "",
        "internalMessage": "[{\"ClaimLineId\": \"2\", \"reason\":\"Claim line Replacement price exceeds the limit of 500\"}]",
        "messageFormat": "json",
        "messageType": "array"
  "eventType": "taskCreated",
  "payloadVersion": "1.0.0",
  "correlationId": "158eb106-64fb-4801-b5c2-36a5005e511e",
  "timestamp": "2017-10-24T09:52:27+0300",
  "case": {
    "uuid": "18cc9226-47bd-4fca-a115-d40f67e3dd33",
    "number": "claimnumber1",
    "externalClaimId": "externalReference1",
    "token": "6b1b9e58-1fd7-4077-89cd-65bdb81d0aa3",
    "caseType": "contentClaim"
Description - task_created(Valuation Result)

| Attribute Name | Description| | ----------- |:---------------------- | | Case | Case related information| | case.uuid | Unique id for the case| | case.number | The caseNumber is the identifier for the case received from Insurance Company| | case.externalclaimId | External claim Id is unique to the specified case and provided by Insurance Company| | case.token | Case token - using this token customer always get the case related information| | case.caseType| The caseType determines the kind of case - contentClaim, propertyclaim| | timestamp| Time stamp when the event is created| | correlationId| Scalepoint internal Id| | payloadVersion| Version of the payload, in case if we do any breaking changes we will update this version| | eventType| Type of the event. Fx. case_settled, claim_updated| | Payload | | | payload.evaluationResult | Evaluation result recieved from Validation engine. Possible values:
'Approve' - used for automatic approval (e.g. automatic claim settlement)
'ManualEvaluation' - the result should be considered manually
'Reject' - used for automatic rejection | | payload.newAssigneeType | | | payload.newAssigneeId | | | payload.isSelectedForTraining | | | payload.triggeredRules.name | Name of the Business rule in Validation engine, which was broken | | payload.triggeredRules.publicMessage | | | payload.triggeredRules.internalMessage |Message from Validation engine with a reference to a reason why Business rule was broken. The reason from internal message is reflected in ClaimShop. | | payload.triggeredRules.messageFormat | Format of message received from Validation engine | | payload.triggeredRules.messageType | Type of message received from Validation engine | | success | True if sending of claim data to Validation engine was successfull | | statusCode | Status of sending data to Validation engine request |

JSON Schema of task_created
Examples of task_created

Types of Events Supported by ClaimShop